American Pacific West

Forests across the West Coast are in a state of crisis. Extreme drought brought on by our warming climate has sparked unprecedented “mega fires” — burning more land more severely than ever. Because these areas are often too damaged to regenerate on their own, it’s crucial that we step in and begin reforestation efforts now. Explore where the Arbor Day Foundation seeks to make a difference.

Protecting Our Nation’s Most Iconic Bird

The forests of southern Oregon are prime real estate for the bald eagle. And while their numbers have rebounded in the last 50 years, their future survival depends on preserving and reestablishing the ecosystems they call home. Find out how trees help them thrive in a multitude of ways.

Find out how the bald eagle's survival is inseparable from the health of forests.

Wait, Killer Whales Need Trees?

How can trees help critically endangered southern resident orcas? In more ways than one. Find out how trees protect and support the delicate ecological web these mammals depend on for their survival.

Explore how trees are at the core of endangered orcas' fight for survival.

The Fire That Sparked a Movement

In 1988, Yellowstone National Park was engulfed in flames. By the time the blaze was extinguished, nearly a third of its land was scorched. Explore how the work of replanting after this fire laid the foundation for national and international recovery efforts.

Learn how a historic Yellowstone fire informed forest recovery efforts around the world.

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